To get a duplicate card simply choose the course type in which you need the duplicate card. Fill in the date and name of the course participant for whom the duplicate card need to be printed. The date to be entered is the date a course participant took the course. If you do not remember the exact date you attended your course, simply type the month and year you think you may have taken a class. Once verified a duplicate card will be ship to you, Duplicate cards are not available for any refunds. All orders placed before 12 noon Eastern Standard Time on normal business days are processed and shipped the same day. Orders placed after 12 noon Eastern Standard Time are processed and shipped on the next normal business day. For information about our office hours please visit our About Us page.
eCrad replacement is free. If your original course completion card you were issued is an eCard, CLICK HERE to be taken to the eCard login page. If your orignal course completion card you were issued was a paper card, you must purchase a duplicate card, at which time you will be issued an eCard.
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All E-Learning/online course registrations are final and they are not eligible for any refunds. Please review additional policies below.
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All E-Learning/online course registrations are final and they are not eligible for any refunds. Please review additional policies below.
CPR Classes - First Aid - AED- ACLS - PALS
Located at:
4401 Salisbury Rd, Suite 300
Jacksonville, FL 32216
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