Heartsaver® Bloodborne Pathogens Online
This course is not elgiable for any refunds or returns.
This Web-based eLearning course teaches students how to protect themselves from bloodborne pathogens and how to properly handle and react to blood in the workplace. Meets the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29CFR 1910.1030), published by OSHA. May be used for initial or renewal training. Students who successfully complete the course will receive a completion certificate. PC and Mac® compatible. Please include an e-mail address when ordering. The access key and instructions on how to log in and register for the course will be e-mailed to you, usually within 1 to 2 business days. NOTE: You must purchase one online access key for each student trained. This product is not eligible for the standard return policy.
Course Overview
This Web-based, self-directed course uses online modules and interactive activities to teach students the content of the Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens course. Designed for anyone with a reasonable chance of coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens, the Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens course is designed to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for bloodborne pathogens training when paired with site-specific instruction. The course uses the PACT acronym (Protect, Act, Clean, Tell) and slogan, "Make a PACT, Know How to Act," to help students learn and easily recall bloodborne pathogens training.
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
- define bloodborne pathogens
- describe the four main steps for staying safe when facing an occupational exposure
- discuss how universal precautions, personal protective equipment, and hand washing can protect them from infection
- recognize warning signs and labels for biohazards
- recall how to safely remove gloves
- discuss how to dispose of sharps and other blood-containing items
- identify the types of spills and methods for cleaning them up
- discuss their exposure control plan.